
2020年11月4日—Afirstexperimentexaminesgripchangeandsubjectivepreferencewhenreachingforsidetargetsusingdifferentfingers.Resultsshowall ...,2018年4月21日—Fingerprintscanners,silentswitches,andBack-of-Device(BoD)touchpanelsofferadditionalwaystoperforminput....reachabilitycanhinder ...,2023年1月9日—1.OpentheSettingsappandtapAccessibility.AscreenshotshowingthestepsrequiredtousereachabilityoniPhone....

Expanding Side Touch Input on Mobile Phones

2020年11月4日 — A first experiment examines grip change and subjective preference when reaching for side targets using different fingers. Results show all ...

Fingers' Range and Comfortable Area for One

2018年4月21日 — Fingerprint scanners, silent switches, and Back-of-Device (BoD) touch panels offer additional ways to perform input. ... reachability can hinder ...

How to enable reachability on iPhone

2023年1月9日 — 1. Open the Settings app and tap Accessibility. A screenshot showing the steps required to use reachability on iPhone.

How to turn on Reachability on iPhone

2022年6月3日 — Swipe down on the bottom edge of the screen. · Swipe up on the bottom edge of the screen or tap the blank space at the top of the screen to ...

Mobile Reachability. Rules of Thumb

2015年10月13日 — Human thumbs can't be stretched to reach middle to top screen areas due to physical limitations. So user experience should be based around this.

Reach the top of the iPhone screen with one hand

When you use iPhone with one hand in Portrait orientation, you can use Reachability to lower the top half of the screen so it's within easy reach of your thumb.